A new calendar year, like a blank page, brings the promise of things to come. ASN Kidney News asked the ASN Board of Advisors and attendees at Renal Week 2010 what things the nephrology community should watch in the coming year. We got answers.
Changes to healthcare administration, especially dialysis services, dominated the responses. The Affordable Healthcare Act, bundling of dialysis payments, and the resurrection of CROWNWeb all raise more questions than answers for our community.
The past year brought a prototype implantable kidney and the first bioengineering session at Renal Week. Technological advances clearly form another “thing to watch” in 2011. Renal Week also saw interest in nutrition and kidney problems. Dietary treatment of hypertension and other maladies continues to be of interest in 2011.
Chronic kidney disease prevalence increases with age. As the Baby Boomers hit traditional retirement age this year, the number of older individuals with kidney problems will skyrocket, producing unprecedented interest in aging and the kidney at Renal Week 2010 (as well as a feature section in February’s Kidney News). This increase in potential patients also raises concern about the nephrology workforce and its potential to meet these patient needs.
Of course, the most important things to watch in 2011 will be those we do not anticipate here. ASN Kidney News will keep watching and reporting everything kidney.