Distinguished Educator Award: Steven C. Cheng, MD

Steven C. Cheng
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Steven C. Cheng, MD

Citation: Kidney News 14, 10/11

Dr. Cheng is professor of medicine in the Division of Nephrology at Washington University in St. Louis, MO, where he has been the training program director since 2011.

He served on the ASN Training Program Directors Executive Committee and is currently on the ASN Workforce and Training Committee. He has also led special sessions during program director retreats and town halls on educational innovations, career paths, procedural requirements, and the nephrology match. As the current chair of the ASN Match Oversight Task Force, Dr. Cheng plays a key role in overseeing the recruitment of fellows to U.S. training programs.

Dr. Cheng is also deeply involved in undergraduate medical education as a course director and chair of the Phase 1 Operations Committee of the Washington University School of Medicine gateway curriculum. In this role, he has helped to design a curriculum that integrates basic science and clinical practice while also equipping students to navigate health systems and address disparities in patient care. His renal module is popular among students for its clear presentation of material and opportunities to consider the effects of chronic kidney disease by meeting with patients, debating end stage kidney disease options, and discussing the intersection of race and kidney diseases.

Dr. Cheng has received numerous awards, including the Samuel R. Goldstein Leadership Award in Medical Student Education and the Sydney S. Pearl Award for Inspirational Teaching.

He received his medical degree and completed his internal medicine residency and internship at Northwestern University, followed by a nephrology fellowship at Washington University.
