New CJASN Trainee of the Year program

The Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology (CJASN) is strongly committed to the next generation of nephrologists and strives to encourage junior colleagues as they begin their careers. In honor of this commitment, in 2019, CJASN will launch CJASN Trainee of the Year; an inaugural prize contest among trainees for the best article submitted to the journal by a trainee as first author. This competition will recognize outstanding work done by junior colleagues in early stages of their careers in nephrology.

The Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology (CJASN) is strongly committed to the next generation of nephrologists and strives to encourage junior colleagues as they begin their careers. In honor of this commitment, in 2019, CJASN will launch CJASN Trainee of the Year; an inaugural prize contest among trainees for the best article submitted to the journal by a trainee as first author. This competition will recognize outstanding work done by junior colleagues in early stages of their careers in nephrology.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • The study must report upon original research conducted by the Trainee.
  • The first author must be a Trainee (defined as student, resident, graduate student, postdoctoral fellow, or fellow).
  • The trainee must be a member of the American Society of Nephrology at the time of submission of the manuscript. (ASN membership is free for Trainees. Become an ASN member)
  • The article must be submitted during or within six (6) months of completion of the training program. A 12-month extension will be considered for child-birth in the last year of training or within six (6) months of completion of the training program, allowing for submission within 18 months of completion of training.
  • Prize recipients will not be eligible in subsequent years.
  • The submitting author must select “CJASN Trainee” Manuscript Type during online submission to ensure the manuscript is considered for this competition (Manuscripts will be reviewed to confirm correct Manuscript Type was selected.)
  • The manuscript must be submitted by June 14, 2019 for 2019 eligibility. Submission eligibility for 2020 will be June 15, 2019-June 14, 2020.

Judging Criteria:

  • Significance: This will be the primary consideration and will entail an assessment of the extent to which the findings advance the field of nephrology.
  • Internal and external validity of the findings reported in the study.
  • Quality of writing including how well the manuscript describes the research methods, the clarity with which the results are presented, and putting the findings of the study in context of our current knowledge in the discussion.

Prizes (up to two cash prizes will be awarded):

  • $750 1st place cash prize
  • $500 2nd place cash prize
  • Article page fees waived
  • Announcement at Kidney Week general session
  • Certificate presented to the trainee at the annual CJASN Editorial Board Luncheon at Kidney Week
  • Letter from CJASN EIC to Author’s Department Head and/or Division Chief upon acceptance

CJASN encourages all applicants to separately submit an abstract for consideration at Kidney Week following the “Call for Abstracts” announcement for Kidney Week 2019 on the same original research topic; poster acceptance cannot be guaranteed.

Questions? Please contact Shari Leventhal, Managing Editor, Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology.
