On Friday, September 28, President Donald Trump signed into law the annual Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education (LHHS) funding bill for Fiscal Year 2019, which contains multiple priorities of the American Society of Nephrology (ASN).
As reported in the August edition of Kidney News Online, these priorities include a $2 billion funding increase for the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and language supporting KidneyX, the study of immunosuppressive drug coverage for kidney transplant patients, Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) coverage for living organ donors, and recognition of the discrepancy between investment in kidney research and financial burden of kidney diseases.
On Friday, September 28, President Donald Trump signed into law the annual Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education (LHHS) funding bill for Fiscal Year 2019, which contains multiple priorities of the American Society of Nephrology (ASN).
As reported in the August edition of Kidney News Online, these priorities include a $2 billion funding increase for the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and language supporting KidneyX, the study of immunosuppressive drug coverage for kidney transplant patients, Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) coverage for living organ donors, and recognition of the discrepancy between investment in kidney research and financial burden of kidney diseases.
The inclusion of these priorities are a direct result of the countless emails, meetings, and phone calls made by ASN members to their legislators and constitute a significant victory for the more than 40 million Americans living with kidney diseases.
To see more information on the bill, please read the article from the Kidney News August 2018 issue .