New NephSAP Issue - "Interventional Nephrology and Dialysis Access"

NephSAP Volume 17, Number 2, June 2018

Please read the full issue.

Interventional Nephrology and Dialysis Access

Taking care of dialysis access remains part and parcel of day-to-day nephrology practice.  As the ‘lifeline’ of the dialysis patient, it poses multiple challenges related not only to its creation and maintenance, but also to its impacts on safety and the expenses associated with managing access complications. Increasing involvement of nephrologists in access care, including diagnostic ultrasound and interventional procedures, demands better education of general nephrologists to be able to interact intelligently and collaboratively with their interventional colleagues. Transformative technology now provides better tools and will soon allow percutaneous creation of vascular access by nephrologists. These advances and an emphasis on placing peritoneal dialysis access will facilitate attainment of the goals of the ‘Fistula First, Catheter Last’ paradigm to improve patient outcomes.

NephSAP Volume 17, Number 2, June 2018

Please read the full issue .

Interventional Nephrology and Dialysis Access

Taking care of dialysis access remains part and parcel of day-to-day nephrology practice.  As the ‘lifeline’ of the dialysis patient, it poses multiple challenges related not only to its creation and maintenance, but also to its impacts on safety and the expenses associated with managing access complications. Increasing involvement of nephrologists in access care, including diagnostic ultrasound and interventional procedures, demands better education of general nephrologists to be able to interact intelligently and collaboratively with their interventional colleagues. Transformative technology now provides better tools and will soon allow percutaneous creation of vascular access by nephrologists. These advances and an emphasis on placing peritoneal dialysis access will facilitate attainment of the goals of the ‘Fistula First, Catheter Last’ paradigm to improve patient outcomes.

The 2018 issue of NephSAP featuring Interventional Nephrology and Dialysis Access provides readers with an overview of the essential elements of dialysis access required by all nephrologists who care for dialysis patients and act as their advocates. Readers will be able to test their knowledge of dialysis access in a series of 30 questions at the end of this “can’t miss” issue, while obtaining CME and MOC credits.

Learning Objectives

  1. To identify trends, barriers, and potential solutions in dialysis access care
  2. To review updates in practice and research regarding hemodialysis vascular access creation, maintenance, and management of complications
  3. To analyze advantages and disadvantages of various peritoneal dialysis catheter placement techniques
  4. To recognize the increasing role of ultrasound in nephrology and vascular access
  5. To emphasize patient and provider safety in dialysis vascular access evaluation
  6. To examine economic aspects of vascular access management