CDC investigating large cluster of peritonitis cases in peritoneal dialysis patients

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and two health departments are investigating a large cluster of peritonitis cases among patients undergoing peritoneal dialysis. Many of the peritonitis events under investigation were caused by Serratia marcescens or other gram-negative pathogens.

CDC is requesting U.S. clinicians to report peritonitis cases in peritoneal dialysis patients treated by the same center that meet the following criteria:

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and two health departments are investigating a large cluster of peritonitis cases among patients undergoing peritoneal dialysis. Many of the peritonitis events under investigation were caused by Serratia marcescens or other gram-negative pathogens.

CDC is requesting U.S. clinicians to report peritonitis cases in peritoneal dialysis patients treated by the same center that meet the following criteria:

  • Two or more patients with peritonitis caused by Serratia spp. at the same center since January 1, 2019, or
  • An increase in peritonitis caused by gram-negative organisms at the center

To report peritonitis cases that meet these criteria, please email CDC’s Dialysis Coalition email box and Dr. Ana Cecilia Bardossy at using the subject line: “Peritonitis cases”. Include in your email your name and contact information, including phone number, and your clinic location (city and state). 

If you have questions, please contact the CDC Dialysis Safety Team at or Dr. Ana Cecilia Bardossy at or (404) 718-7271.
