Outlined in a recent report from CNBC by Lori Ioannous (@Loriloannou1), chronic kidney disease is a “modern-day plague in the United States, driven in large part by the nation’s obesity epidemic”. 30 million Americans, or 1 in 9 adults, have chronic kidney disease, with diabetes and hypertension being major causes. “More than 510,000 kidney patients are now on dialysis, and over 100,000 are on the kidney transplant list”.
Outlined in a recent report from CNBC by Lori Ioannous (@Loriloannou1 ), chronic kidney disease is a “modern-day plague in the United States, driven in large part by the nation’s obesity epidemic”. 30 million Americans, or 1 in 9 adults, have chronic kidney disease, with diabetes and hypertension being major causes. “More than 510,000 kidney patients are now on dialysis, and over 100,000 are on the kidney transplant list”.
As costs to Medicare and private insurance are ever rising due to the large number of kidney disease patients, an Israeli start-up, Healthy.io , saw a need for innovation and developed an FDA-cleared “at-home smartphone urinalysis test to help people test their kidneys for proteins… Early detection make an enormous difference in avoiding complications from kidney disease”.
The urinalysis test, called Dip.io , uses disposable strips and cups that the smartphone camera can then read and interpret through the app Healthy.io has developed. “The test has been assessed with Geisinger Health in conjunction with the National Kidney Foundation, achieving a 71 percent adherence rate among patients with hypertension who never have been tested before”.
Early detection methods, like this new and impressive app, will benefits patients immensely in providing necessary care as quickly as possible to those afflicted. Innovations like these are needed as we all move forward in
For more information on Healthy.io, their story, and the Dip.op app, please read the full article in CNBC .