2019 Global Kidney Health Atlas released at ISN Word Congress

The ISN Global Kidney Health Atlas gathers “data to determine the world status of existing resources, structures and organizations available to patients with CKD and AKI”. The Atlas “is designed to document the degree to which the six principles of Universal Health Coverage (Health Finance, Health Policy, Service Delivery and Safety, Essential Medications and Health Products, Health Information and Statistics, and Health Workforce) are available in each county or region”.

The ISN Global Kidney Health Atlas gathers “data to determine the world status of existing resources, structures and organizations available to patients with CKD and AKI”. The Atlas “is designed to document the degree to which the six principles of Universal Health Coverage (Health Finance, Health Policy, Service Delivery and Safety, Essential Medications and Health Products, Health Information and Statistics, and Health Workforce) are available in each county or region”.

The Atlas found that “by 2030, 14.5 million people around the world will have end-stage kidney disease (ESKD), yet only 5.4 million will be treated due to economic, social, and political factors. Additionally, more than 2 million people will die each year to due to little or no access to hemodialysis or kidney transplantation”.

“Chief barriers to optimal ESKD care around the world are economic factors (reported by 64% of countries); patient knowledge or attitude (in 63% of countries); availability of kidney specialists (60% of countries); other physician availability, access, knowledge, and/or attitude (58%); distance from care or prolonged travel time (55%); and availability, access, and capacity of the health-care system (55% of countries)”.

For more information please read the full report.



  1. https://www.theisn.org/all-articles/665-global-kidney-health-atlas
  2. https://www.mdlinx.com/nephrology/top-medical-news/article/2019/04/19/7564672/