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Prediction models can process factors that modify patient risk and transform them into a single probabilistic prediction that can be used to help patients and doctors make good choices and fairly allocate care.
Using data from a health center during a COVID-19 surge, researchers consider the impact and potential of palliative care for patients with acute kidney injury.
Made possible by a grant from Baxter Healthcare Corporation, the effort called AKI!Now: Promoting Excellence in the Prevention and Treatment of Acute Kidney Injury, will aim to help people suffering from acute kidney injury (AKI).
“Each year, approximately 10 million people worldwide suffer from acute kidney injury, and it kills an estimated 1.75 million of them,” commented ASN President Mark Rosenberg, MD, FASN. “ASN is bringing together some of the best minds in the kidney community to figure out how we can save more lives after AKI and kidney failure as well as to improve their quality of life.”
ASN Communities has relaunched the -AKI Community. To get a behind-the-scenes look at the decision to relaunch the AKI Community, as well as information on the Community Leaders that will be posting educational information and responding to your questions, Kidney News Online reached out to Dr. Javier Neyra, MD, MS, FASN, one of the new AKI Community Leaders.
“Resident macrophages reprogram toward a developmental state after acute kidney injury” was published today, January 24th, in JCI Insight. The study with co-first authors and trainees in the NIH-funded UAB Medical Scientist Training Program, Jeremie M. Lever and Travis D. Hull, M.D., Ph.D., found that “during acute kidney injury (AKI) in a mouse model, kidney-resident macrophages are reprogrammed to a developmental state, resembling these same cells when they are found in newborn mice. UAB News stated that “this reprogramming during AKI may be important to promote healing and tissue regeneration. If a similar developmental shift is seen for human kidney-resident machrophages during AKI, that could aid new therapeutic approaches for patients”.