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ASN Staff

A study1 released earlier this week in JAMA studied the question of whether dialysis facility ownership is associated with access to kidney transplantation.

Historically, for-profit dialysis facilities have had lower kidney transplantation rates for their patients, but it was previously unknown “if the patterns holds for living donor and deceased donor kidney transplantation, varies by facility ownership, or has persisted over time in a nationally representative population [US].”jama-logo - Copy_0.jpg

David White

A lively, but friendly, debate over RRT in the ICU took place late yesterday in a “Timely Debate” session before a standing-room only crowd. The format positioned Sean M. Bagshaw, MD, representing the role of the intensivist in the ICU, debating Paul M. Palevsky, MD, FASN, representing the role of the nephrologist. Dr. Bagshaw, who is an Associate Professor of Critical Care Medicine at the University of Alberta, took a decidedly humorous approach declaring himself “the most unpopular person at Kidney Week.” Not to be outdone, Dr. Palevsky, who is a renowned nephrologist and Chief of the Renal Section of the VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System, humorously countered that the reason he believes nephrologist should oversee RRT in the ICU was because “Well…duh. We’re nephrologists, that’s what we do!”