Private Practice Transplant Nephrology Advantages and Disadvantages
Francis L. Weng
Francis L. WengFrancis L. Weng, MD, MSCE, is Chief of The Renal and Pancreas Transplant Department at Saint Barnabas Medical Center in Livingston, NJ. Heather Lefkowitz, MD, is a nephrologist in private practice with The Nephrology Group in West Orange, NJ, and serves as Director of Nephrology at Newark Beth Israel Medical Center in Newark, NJ.
Heather LefkowitzFrancis L. Weng, MD, MSCE, is Chief of The Renal and Pancreas Transplant Department at Saint Barnabas Medical Center in Livingston, NJ. Heather Lefkowitz, MD, is a nephrologist in private practice with The Nephrology Group in West Orange, NJ, and serves as Director of Nephrology at Newark Beth Israel Medical Center in Newark, NJ.